26 06 2011

Once again the benefits of wearing a helmet hit home. My Dad can thank his helmet for saving his life yesterday. He went for a Saturday ride, much as he usually does. But instead of returning home he got an ambulance ride to Pottstown Hospital. He was on Neiffer Road in Limerick when a small dog ran out in front of him. He managed to slow his bike down to about 25 mph but hit the dog square on and went flying over his handlebars. He rolled away from the crash with a broken collarbone, 3 broken ribs plus more fractures than you can count, a punctured lung, and a very badly pulled groin. Despite these injuries we are all very thankful for the helmet. If it wasn’t for the helmet he would not be coming home today. I still find it hard to believe that so many people don’t wear helmets or allow their kids to ride without helmets. Even in the driveway injuries can happen. My Dad has a long road ahead of him but I’m glad it’s shorter than what it could be. WEAR YOUR BRAIN BUCKET!! Oh and keep your dogs under control! This dog has chased my Dad and I more than once!

Cracks on the inside of my Dad's helmet

Crack on the outside of my Dad's helmet

The bruise on my Dad's shoulder, the one with the broken collar bone



2 responses

27 06 2011

OMG Poor Jerry! Glad he’s going to be okay, but so sorry he has to go thru this. Please tell him everyone from BS sends their best wishes for him to soon be pain free and on the road to recovery!

28 06 2011

Thanks Ginny! I’ll be sure to pass the word along. He had his BS jersey on when he crash and wouldn’t allow the EMT’s to cut it! But there are no rips or tears in it from his crash. That’s one tough jersey!

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